Monday, May 17, 2010

Decorating Tips from Bees

Busy, buzzing pollinators bees are a gardeners best friend. Favorite fruits and vegetables would not grace our plates if it weren't for these flying friends. Well, now these little critters have gone a step further: home decorating. You've heard of The Not So Big House? Well, welcome to the bee's version! Using flower petals to make some of the prettiest little nests a garden fairy could ask for, this particular bee makes a number of these in close proximity and snuggles a single egg inside each one.

Inspired? Well, next to the row planted for the hungry add one specifically for the bees! By planting a row of flowers or setting up a section of native plants not only will pollinators be attracted to your garden, but those tiny immune systems will get a healthy boost in the battle against Colony Collapse Disorder. Get buzzzy!

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