Flowers should be an integral part of any garden. They attract pollinators and pest predators and can also be a feast for the tummy as well as the eye.
Edible flowers can add color and flavor to summer salads.
Nasturtiums are easy to grow and the entire plant - leaves, stems, and blossoms - is edible. They offer a nice hint of spice, and are a favorite of bees and hummingbirds, alike.
Calendula is another bright face in the garden that is easy to grow. Just pick the flowers, pluck off the petals, and sprinkle them about the salad.
Violas, a.k.a.Johnny-Jump-Ups are another favorite. These tiny flower "faces" offer a welcome dash of cool purple to a salad and make an utterly charming cake decoration, too. A self-seeding bienniel, this flower "jumps up" the next season where you least expect it.
Annual and perennial edible flowers abound and can be grown in containers as well as right amongst your vegetables. For hints on growing them, check out the following
classes at Project Grow as well as the
Organic Gardening Certification courses.
Introduction to Organic GardeningSaturday, February 21st
10am, Leslie Science Center
Container Gardening and Raised Beds - From Vegetables to FlowersSaturday, February 28th
11am, Leslie Science Center