Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oldies but Goodies - Growing Heirloom Tomatoes and Peppers

Join Royer Held and Tom Scheper for Heirloom Tomatoes and Peppers this Saturday, April 17th! These two heirloom vegetable and gardening enthusiasts will be at the ready to impart some of their tried and true methods for growing organic tomatoes and peppers. Experienced trowels at the ready, Royer and Tom will share their favorite cultivars as well as tips for a beautiful and bountiful harvest. Don't miss it!

Heirloom Tomatoes and Peppers
Saturday, April 17th
10 - 11:30am
Leslie House,
Leslie Science and Nature Center

Can't make this one? Check out these upcoming classes and get them on the calendar!

Introduction to Composting
Saturday, April 24
10am - 12pm
Leslie House at Leslie Science and Nature Center

Join Geoffrey Kroepel to learn composting methods that suit the needs of every gardener. Basic composting principles will be discussed as well as different methods for making it.

Bees Up Close and Personal!
Saturday, May 1
1pm - 3pm
Dawn Farms
6633 Stoney Creek Drive
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
$7.50/per person

Lora Kadwell will lead a hands-on introductory class and honey extraction. Meet the bees, see the equipment, and give this sweetest of endeavours a try.
*Participants should plan to wear jeans, long-sleeve shirts, and shoes.
** Class size is limited to 15 members, so don't wait to register.

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