Gardeners adore compost. It's a cure-all for whatever ails in the garden. The bucket on the counter turns into all that plants need to grow well to feed a household. Vegetable and fruit castoffs return to the bucket to return to the bin and then to the garden again. Tea bags, yard waste, garden leavings, and kitchen scraps all go in and come out as plant-scrumptious hummus. (The kind eaten indirectly rather than the other garlic-laden delight, of course.)
Bakoko's little creation - the Comploo - is something near to a dream come true. Taking advantage of the heat produced during the composting process, the Comploo is a sweet little building that it's easy to imagine tucked somewhere near the garden as a perfect spot to take a bit of a break between chores. Or a cozy place on a rainy afternoon for viewing the garden, plotting new plantings, or just basking in the glow of all those adorable vegetables. Heated by food, garden and yard scraps merrily composting away in bins that round the edges, when the plotting and planning is done just open a bin to scoop some of that wonderful stuff out.
Designed with public spaces like community gardens or parks (or even a cafe growing the majority of its food just out the back door) the Comploo creates a space for gathering that takes advantage of plant materials in place. Talk about a great way to warm people up to the idea of their own composting after touring the vegetable patch to see what's in season!
All images courtesy of Bakoko.
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