Friday, February 12, 2010

Seeds for Cold Weather Places

This post about seeds for a cold climate on Cold Climate Gardening is just terrific. The subsequent discussion in the comments section is also well worth a read. Some great seed sources are listed, as well as things to keep in mind while shopping for seeds.

Keep in mind that heirloom seeds have been chosen and saved for generations in an area or region not just for their fantastic flavors, but because they are well-adapted to that particular climate. Local heirlooms from Project Grow are available at the 2010 Annual Seed Swap on Saturday, February 13th, and can also be found at People's Food Coop, too.

Seed Savers Exchange specializes in heirlooms, and offers lots of good information about where they come from, how they grow, and the flavors they produce.

Garden Faerie also does a fun little seed swap, but you'll have to plan on participating next year. Check out her book - Fun with Winter Seed Sowing - to get a jump start on things, too!

2010 Annual Seed Swap
Saturday, February 13th
10am - 11:30am


Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Hope someone enjoys my leftover seeds that I donated to Marcella (she was so nice to come pick them up!) for your seed swap, which I'm sorry I'll have to miss. I'll have more in March when my snail mail swaps come back. Also, thanks for linking to my book. Winter seed sowing works with almost any kinds of seeds (except tropicals)--the plants themselves don't have to be hardy over winter.

Unknown said...

If you're interested in another Seed Swap in the region -- try this one in Toledo, Ohio

6th Annual Seed Swap
Saturday, February 27, 2010
12:00 - 3:00 PM

Wildwood Metropark
Ward Pavilion
5100 W. Central Ave.
Toledo, OH 43615

Free and open to the public!

Diversify your garden by exchanging seeds and learning new skills! No matter
your gardening ability, you'll enjoy the chance to interact with other
gardeners, while swapping favorite seeds.

Live entertainment by the Root Cellar String Band and activities for kids!

Free Workshops
Saturday, February 27, 2010
at Toledo Botanical Garden

10:00 - 11:30AM From Plant to Plate: Easy, Tasty Vegetables to Grow (TBG
Conference Center)
10:00 - 11:30AM All About Gourds (Children's Ed Building)
10:00 - 11:30AM Bugs & Birds in the Garden (TBG Conference Center)
1:30 - 3:00PM A Creative Approach to Herbal Gardening (Children's Ed Building)
1:30 - 3:00PM Troubleshooting Your Vegetable Garden (TBG Conference Center)
1:30 - 3:00PM Container Gardening (TBG Conference Center)
3:30 - 5:00PM Preserving the Harvest (Children's Ed Building)
3:30 - 5:00PM Gourmet Vegetables for Fun & Profit (TBG Conference Center)
3:30 - 5:00PM Raising Chickens (TBG Conference Center)

Participating organizations:
Ben Sells Greenhouse, Bench Farms, Junior League of Toledo, Maumee Valley Herb
Society, Metroparks of the Toledo Area, Naturally Native Nursery, Nothing But
Nature, OSU Extension Master Gardeners, Quarry Farm Gourds, Rupp Seed,
Titgemeier's Feed & Garden, Toledo Lucas County Public Library, Toledo Museum of
Art, Weston A. Price Foundation, Wild Ones

For more information email michael.szuberla@...